Never Too Early
"Michelle and I didn't come from well-to-do backgrounds. We didn't have famous families. But it wasn't just that we worked hard. It was also that somebody made an investment in us. That's what America did for us."
-President Barack Obama
-President Barack Obama
Grandparents. Parents. Aunts. Uncles. Cousins. Church Family. Village. You all were right. They DO grow up so fast!
At first you think, "this lovely little baby is going to stay small and cute forever". Then they start to crawl and gain speed. Watching her walk with calculated steps seems like last week. Now, watching her run at top speed is the new norm. Persistent Acorn is now a first-grader and an active Daisy in her Girl Scout troop. She enjoys swimming, painting, and playing with her dolls. She's also reading on her own more which is exciting. Making life more interesting, she now has 2-year-old Toddler Acorn to chase her around mimicking her every move. We NEVER want their energy and enthusiasm towards learning and life to fade. Encouragement is critical in laying the foundation for future success. |